
Look to the person on your left. Now, look to the person on your right. Guess what? All of your code is broken. Not theirs, yours. It’s broken right now. Look at your BugsToFix12-02-2014-rev.xlsx file. Am I wrong? Millions of people are using your code right now, and the majority are experiencing bugs. That’s the beauty of the internet; everything is broken all the time, and everyone has to deal with it.

Log Driven Development, in its current state, is a set of ideas and recommendations for testing code, with faster, and even more better development in mind. Log Driven Development seeks to reduce the complications of testing code, and get your product to market. No install required.

What is Log Driven Development?

The Log Driven Development (LDD) approach to development utilizes the native logging facilities available in any environment or language in order to give you insight to issues with your code, from within the code itself.

It is said that for every programming problem, there are at least an infinite amount of solutions. At the end of the day, as a developer, your job is to solve a problem or set of problems. The chief issue with approaches like BDD, TDD, and ATDD, is that they involve creating additional problems for you to solve before you reach the solution you actually needed.

Each approach requires spending cycles learning how to implement, and then how to install the tools you will need, and then how to install the tool dependencies on Windows. In the meantime, almost everyone using your application has either lost all of their data, or died a natural death. Ya blew it, capisce?

Log Driven Development aims to solve these problems for you, the problem solver, so that you can stop solving problems, and start solving problems. It is the only way to code. Get started